
Institute for Biomolecular Research (IBR)

Research Institute Faculty of Chemistry & Biology

The Institute for Biomolecular Research (IBR) was founded at Hochschule Fresenius Idstein in 2014. Its mission is to develop and apply new bioanalytical methods for biological and biomedical problems. Those methods are applied in identifying and characterizing proteins, their post-translational modifications, and cellular metabolites as well as in the determination of biomarkers.


  • Development of improved ELISA methods for the detection of allergens in food (in cooperation with Hochschule Geisenheim and R-Biopharm AG, funded by Hessenagentur (HA project no.: 513/16-25) (2016-2018) 
  • Quantification of sepsis marker Procalcitonin by immunoaffinity-LC-MSMS (in cooperation with DiaSys GmbH and Dr. Laura Bindila (University Medical Center Mainz) (2017-2021)
  • Identification of the allergenic potential of peanut and hazelnut in food-processing chains in relation to patients allergenicity – a BMBF funded project in cooperation with R-Biopharm AG, Hochschule Geisenheim University, Charité Universitätsmedizin, Yumab GmbH and Deutscher Allergie und Asthma Bund (2021-2024) 


IBR’s equipment includes modern mass spectrometers, HPLCs, and devices for biochemical and molecular biological methods. Equipment from Institute for Analytical Research is also accessible to the IBR and vice versa. 

Among others, the following instruments and bioanalytical methods are available: 

  • MALDI mass spectrometer Autoflex Speed (Bruker) 
  • LCMSMS API3200 and API5500 
  • PCR 
  • ELISA and Western blot 
  • Protein purification with Akta 
  • In-gel digestion of proteins 
  • Protein identification 
  • Characterization of PTMs in proteins 
  • Metabolite analysis using LCMS and MALDI