Hochschule Fresenius is a place where tradition meets innovation, teaching meets research, and theory meets practice. But above all, it is a place where people come together – students, lecturers, professors, and more – each with their own experiences, viewpoints, mindsets, and behaviors. As a private university of applied sciences, we want to give them all the space and freedom to evolve, grow and pursue their goals. In short, we want to be a GREAT PLACE TO GROW.

Hochschule Fresenius began life as the “Chemisches Laboratorium Fresenius” (Fresenius Chemical Laboratory) in 1848 and has evolved into a privately owned German university with a long educational history. It is the oldest educational institution of its type in the field of chemistry. It combines teaching, research, and practical experience exactly as envisaged by its founder, Carl Remigius Fresenius.
The Fresenius name is synonymous with practical teaching that is closely linked with applied research and development. This goes for all its faculties: The long-established Faculty of Chemistry & Biology; the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences; and the Faculty of Economics & Media, both launched in 1997/98; the Faculty of Design, which became part of Hochschule Fresenius in 2013; and onlineplus, the new faculty established in 2015 for distance and online learning.
Building on its history, Hochschule Fresenius designs its study programs to be both sustainable and innovative and to serve the future requirements of society and the job market. It continuously develops its services and strategies in collaboration with its practical partners and in dialog with associations, alumni, and students.
In keeping with this, the mission statement of Hochschule Fresenius defines its principal aims as follows: To provide practical teaching, conduct practical research, embody internationality, and to support, challenge, and encourage its students!
In light of the challenges of a changing world, Hochschule Fresenius focuses its efforts on interdisciplinarity in teaching and research, meaningful ways to harness digitalization when designing program content and procedures, internationality in educational offerings tailored to our target groups, and the flexibility required for our students to progress and pursue their individual educational paths.
Our study programs, training courses, and continued professional education teach students the academic knowledge and skills of a particular subject area while incorporating the current and future requirements of the job market.
Students reflect on their theoretical knowledge and on our research in practical, professional contexts. In light of our diverse student body and the changes in the job market, our flexible study program models are designed to be offered both as full-time and part-time programs with elements of blended learning. This approach is enhanced by flexible methodology and modules designed to accommodate changes in the world as a whole and the world of work in particular. By developing flexible study programs, Hochschule Fresenius aims to offer various study options that are fluid and encompass all phases of life.
Our research aims to help tackle important societal challenges. Synergies are created with the faculties’ focal areas, tackling a huge variety of questions about economics, health, design, technology, and science. We focus on applied research and involve our students in our applied research projects as appropriate to their stage of study.
We see ourselves as an international university focused on collaboration and practice. Our teaching and research are team-oriented and interdisciplinary. We have national and international connections and maintain a network of partner institutions that includes fellow universities, other academic establishments, and professional contacts.
In addition to the specialist knowledge taught on our study programs, we promote social and cultural competences. We also want our students and graduates to be aware of their social and environmental responsibilities, to have personal integrity and own their actions, to engage in dialog as they partake in society, and to commit themselves to improving the world.
A democratic society holds basic values and entitlements. Given this, Hochschule Fresenius believes that differences are enriching. It values and encourages diversity and welcomes different viewpoints, mindsets, and behaviors to offer its students intercultural variety.
Our educational programs qualify students to take on responsibilities in their chosen professional fields and to pursue further academic studies.
We expect great things of our students. As a private university, we offer high-quality teaching and individual support. We create the conditions required for students to complete their programs within a short time.
Through our extensive international network of research, teaching, and practical partners, we emphasize and prioritize student mobility and linguistic and intercultural skills.
Hochschule Fresenius has been promoting lifelong learning for many years. From initial academic qualifications to part-time study programs, from Master’s programs to continued professional education, collaboration, and doctorates, flexible building blocks enable all our students to access education and achieve their personal development goals.
The knowledge, skills, and experience of our staff members are crucial in ensuring that our study program content and work processes are up to date and of the highest quality.
We foster a leadership culture imbued with trust that encourages our staff to develop as individuals by continuously building on and expanding their specialist, methodological, and educational skills.
We want to empower people to combine family, study, and work, to be a university where everyone can fulfill their potential whatever their age, gender, plan for life, ethnicity, religion, or physical abilities.
At Hochschule Fresenius, we are aware that, as an educational provider, we are embedded in various social structures and processes.
We both inspire and reflect developments in our knowledge-based society, the job market, and the regions in which our campuses are situated.
Hochschule Fresenius with its many campuses offers an open forum for knowledge exchange and dialog with the wider academic community. Knowledge is transferred to society through regular events that involve the local community and encourage them to interact with teachers and researchers.
Teaching and research require independence, which in turn requires our actions to be sustainable and economically viable.
We use a certified management system to safeguard and develop the quality of our processes with the aid of various evaluation and communication instruments.
We want to help transform the education market. In doing so, we focus both on students’ interests and on the requirements of businesses and the job market.
Hochschule Fresenius pursues initiatives designed to safeguard resources.
Hochschule Fresenius is committed to diversity and equality. Therefore, we take measures to create an organizational structure that is fair to all. We provide resources and contact points for this purpose.
All measures and further information can be found in our Gender Equality Plan:
Carl Remigius Fresenius opened his “Chemisches Laboratorium” (Chemical Laboratory) in Wiesbaden in 1848. In doing so, he laid the foundations for our university – the laboratory also included a school of chemistry where Carl Remigius provided specialist training for young people.
Plenty has happened in the ensuing 170 years. Hochschule Fresenius has grown as an educational institution and undergone many transformations. What remains unchanged is our passion for supporting people as they pursue their education and personal development. This remains at the heart of everything we do to this day.
Notable moments from our history:
The German Council of Science and Humanities extends accreditation for Hochschule Fresenius by 5+5 years – a huge vote of confidence that very few private universities have received. The Faculty of Economics & Media in Düsseldorf also moves to a new campus on Franklinstrasse.
Back to our roots: Our ninth campus opens in Wiesbaden, home of our founder, Carl Remigius Fresenius, and his “Chemisches Laboratorium”.
We celebrate the 170th year of Hochschule Fresenius and Carl Remigius Fresenius’ 200th birthday.
Hochschule Fresenius Heidelberg opens. We also set up Studienkolleg NRW, where international high school graduates can prepare to study at German universities.
A dedicated study center is established in New York and the Carl Remigius Medical School is launched.
We begin to offer study programs via distance learning and receive system accreditation. This means that all study programs subject to our internal quality assurance system receive the Accreditation Council’s seal of quality.
The Faculty of Economics &d Media now has a presence in Berlin. The AMD has been operating in the city since 2005.
Hochschule Fresenius and the AMD Akademie Mode & Design merge to form the Faculty of Design.
The Faculty of Health becomes the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences, reflecting its expanded range of study programs and subject areas. We open new campuses in Düsseldorf and Frankfurt am Main.
We receive our first institutional accreditation from the German Science and Humanities Council.
The university takes on the name it bears to this day: Hochschule Fresenius – University of Applied Sciences. It continues to grow with new campuses in Hamburg and Munich.
A new campus opens its doors in the heart of Cologne.
The Faculty of Chemistry & Biology is joined by the Faculty of Economics & Media and the Faculty of Health, both founded to offer study programs in their respective fields.
More space required: Fachhochschule Fresenius – as we were known at the time – moves from Wiesbaden to Idstein, where our headquarters are located to this day.
The German Council of Science and Humanities extends accreditation for Hochschule Fresenius by 5+5 years – a huge vote of confidence that very few private universities have received. The Faculty of Economics & Media in Düsseldorf also moves to a new campus on Franklinstrasse.
The Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts recognizes us as a privately owned university of applied sciences.
The “Chemisches Laboratorium” founded by Carl Remigius Fresenius becomes the “Chemieschule Fresenius Wiesbaden” (Fresenius School of Chemistry Wiesbaden).
Women are admitted to study at the “Chemisches Laboratorium”. This is the first, crucial step toward the equal educational opportunities we are so passionate about today.
Carl Remigius Fresenius sets up the “Chemisches Laboratorium Fresenius” and its associated school of chemistry in Wiesbaden. This is the institution that will go on to become Hochschule Fresenius.