If you wish to study in Germany, it is essential that you obtain a residence permit that allows you to live in Germany for a certain amount of time. If you are an EU citizen, you do not need a visa or a residence permit. However, many international students from outside the EU need a valid visa to enter the country; this can then be converted into a residence permit at a later stage. This section explains the steps and documents required when applying for a visa.
If you come from a country outside the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA), you will usually require a visa to study in Germany. There are some countries outside the EU and the EEA, however, whose citizens do not need to apply for a student visa. For a list of those countries, please check the Federal Foreign Office website.
In this case, all you need to enter the country is a valid passport. You must apply for a residence permit within three months of arriving.
If you are a citizen of another country, you must apply for a German national visa. Keep in mind that it can take several months to apply for and receive your visa, so you should start the process as early as possible.
This short video explains the steps involved in applying for a visa.
The documents needed for a student visa depend on the requirements of your country of residence. In addition to a valid passport, a CV, and biometric photos, most German diplomatic missions ask for the following three documents:
You will receive this document from Hochschule Fresenius as soon as your application is completed
This document demonstrates that you have sufficient funds to cover the cost of living in Germany. You must provide evidence of EUR 11,208 for one year (EUR 934 per month). There are various ways to do this. The most common solution is a blocked account. Have a look at our page on finances where we explain the concept of a blocked account. Please contact your German diplomatic mission to find out which proof of financing will be accepted.
Health insurance is mandatory in Germany. For visa purposes, you will need to provide proof of travel health insurance for the initial months of your stay. Once in Germany, you must register with a German health insurance company. Travel insurance is not sufficient to enroll at a German university. Have a look at “Living in Germany” for more information.
Our cooperation partner Expatrio supports international students with their visa application, providing blocked accounts, health insurance and many other things!
Have a look at their services to make your visa application easier.
Your direct line to us
If you are an incoming student, whether for your entire degree or just for a semester, we are here to answer any questions that may arise during your time in Germany. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. We look forward to meeting you in person at our events, where you can also get to know other (international) students.