Students and staff of Hochschule Fresenius’ International Business School came together at “Playa Cologne” to celebrate the return of “in-person events” in a relaxed atmosphere.
While a few rounds of beach volleyball were played, students from various English-language study programs had the opportunity to socialize, network, and enjoy the personal contact. A special atmosphere as some of them had not met their fellow students in person before!
Student Christoph Neu said, “The Semester Opening Party at Playa Cologne had been a great opportunity for the students of the International Business School to connect and meet up. Since many students had only met each other online in previous semesters, now they finally could get in contact in person. The expectations the students had about this event had been fulfilled and the Semester Opening party served as a base for the students to build new friendships. In addition to that, the location was perfectly chosen. All in all, it was a great evening, just what the students needed after months of COVID-19 related isolation.”
Amit Ray, Program Director at International Business School, added, “The evening had the atmosphere of high school reunion as so many students had the chance to finally meet up with people they’d been talking to and working with online for so long and under such challenging circumstances. After so much time at home, this was the university life they had been missing and it was fantastic to see everyone buzzing with energy.”