
Pitch Day with Truffls and Erledigt-App

Students of Digital Management (M.A.) at Hochschule Fresenius in Berlin had their Pitch Day and presented own business ideas to real CEOs and founders of start-ups.

As part of the Digital Entrepreneurship course, master students have developed digital business ideas together with Prof. Dr. Christian Lengfeld over the past eight weeks. They started their journey with the identification of real target group needs (client needs) and obtaining and analysing of market data to create robust challenges to fix. By the creation of empathy maps and so-called customer journeys, the students were familiarized with a wide range of tools and instruments, including design thinking approaches. “A special challenge is not to think in solutions but in the needs of target groups,” says Prof. Lengfeld. He is enthusiastic about the creativity of the German and international students who presented their business ideas.

A special highlight of the pitches was the exclusive jury: The four founders of the Munich based platform Erledigt-App and Clemens Dittrich of Truffls from Berlin attended the Pitch at Hochschule Fresenius. Truffls – also known as the “Tinder for Jobs” – was founded in 2014 by Clemens Dittrich and two other co-founders. The platform is the market leader in mobile recruiting. With over 30 employees and more than 30,000 companies that have benefited from this service, the young company has made an impressive journey. “Clemens’ presentation was a real yardstick for the students – but they were able to gain a lot out of it. The presentation of the young start-up Erledigt-App was also inspiring and showed what exciting challenges founders have to deal with every day,” says Prof. Lengfeld.

Now: Focus on the next Pitch! The Students will now start working on the business models itself and on creating business plans. This creative and intensive work will continue until the end of June, followed by the final presentation of the business plans. “What will become of their ideas afterwards is in the students’ own hands. We wish them the best of luck,” says Prof. Lengfeld.